General News
The Importance of sleep Sleep is vital for health and wellbeing; it services all aspects of our body in one way or another, on a molecular level and right through to performance and mood. On the surface, it helps us think clearly, improves reflexes, and aids...
General News
20 Low Effort Resolutions It remains our belief that the start of January isn’t the best time to make changes – often sacrifices – in an effort to improve your life. It’s the coldest, darkest month. You’ve just come off the back of a long...
General News
Low calorie Cocktails Alcohol can undo even the most determined weight loss efforts. It’s hard enough being careful with your eating. Exercising and getting enough sleep can also be a challenge. But if you drink then it gets much, much harder. You could have been on...
General News
Is intermittent fasting any good for weight loss? Is it healthy? It’s been around for a few years now, and has a large following; fans of intermittent fasting claim that it helps to regulate hormones, is beneficial for the gut and it aids weight loss. For some,...
General News, Nutrition
Sugar, Insulin and fat storage For a flat tummy, we need to eliminate, as much as possible, sugars and starch. Not fat. When we eat something with a high GI (glycaemic index) it is very rapidly digested by the small intestine and released into the bloodstream as blood...
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