The positive effects of strength training on longevity

The positive effects of strength training on longevity: Why Lifting Weights Extends Life In the quest for a longer, healthier life, many people turn to aerobic exercise like running, cycling, or swimming. While these activities have well-documented benefits, strength...

Fat but fit vs skinny but lazy – results in!

Fat But Fit vs. Slim But Lazy: Which is Healthier? We’ve all heard the old “just lose some weight, you’ll feel better!” advice from Aunt Karen (who has probably never hit the gym in her life). But here’s a plot twist: it turns out being a bit “fluffier” but active...

The New Guidelines for Stretching

New research has shed light on the most effective ways to stretch – so what are the new guidelines for stretching? In the past, sports scientists encouraged stretching as something to be done after exercise, but not before. Several studies showed that stretching...