Tips and Advice for Fitness and Health
Welcome to the blog, where our tips and advice for health and fitness live. We try to make our blog posts both informative and interesting, but above all with easy to enact practical applications. We also try to make them useful for both experts and novices, as well as those over 50 – check our 50 plus fitness page for more on our specialist field and check here for the massive benefits of strength and fitness into middle and older age.There are lots of tips for weight loss, what sort of exercise is best for you and of course the best low calorie coctails, the perennial favourite.
Why sugar makes you fat – twice.
Sugar, Insulin and fat storage For a flat tummy, we need to eliminate, as much as possible, sugars and starch. Not fat. When we eat something with a high GI (glycaemic index) it is very rapidly digested by the small intestine and released into the bloodstream as blood...