blog tips and advice for fitness and health

Tips and Advice for Fitness and Health

Welcome to the blog,  where our tips and advice for health and fitness live. We try to make our blog posts both informative and interesting, but above all with easy to enact practical applications. We also try to make them useful for both experts and novices, as well as those over 50 – check our 50 plus fitness page for more on our specialist field and check here for the massive benefits of strength and fitness into middle and older age.There are lots of tips for weight loss, what sort of exercise is best for you and of course the best low calorie coctails, the perennial favourite. 

How to Eat like an Olympic Athlete

How to eat like an Olympic athlete, with caffeine gum, beetroot shots, pickle juice and milk Although the Olympic games in Paris in 2024 are now sadly over, no stone was left unturned by the Olympic teams looking for the narrowest of edges in their quest for victory...

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How to eat more and still lose weight

How to eat more and still lose weight

How to Eat less move more - yes but no Everyone knows that to lose weight we need a calorific deficit, hence the not entirely useful mantra "eat less and move more". However the energy equation is more complex than this, and by taking a look at how we use energy, and...

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The New Guidelines for Stretching

The New Guidelines for Stretching

New research has shed light on the most effective ways to stretch - so what are the new guidelines for stretching? In the past, sports scientists encouraged stretching as something to be done after exercise, but not before. Several studies showed that stretching...

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Ozempic, Wegovy, and weight loss

Ozempic, Wegovy, and weight loss

For many decades companies and medical professionals have sold weight loss treatments to dieters. However most either didn't work, were actively harmful, or both. But several new types of drugs have now been triumphed as game-changers in the fight against obesity....

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Tone up and lose fat with the 6 12 25 Method

Tone up and lose fat with the 6 12 25 Method

The 6 12 25 method - what is it? There are many different ways of strength training, from a standard traditional gym routine of 2 to 3 sets of 12-14 repetitions per exercise, the sort of thing a gym instructor might give a new member at the gym - to GVT (German Volume...

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Hyaluronic Knee Injections – do they work?

Hyaluronic Knee Injections – do they work?

Hylauronic Knee Injections - Do they work? Intra-articular hyaluronic knee injections (also known as viscosupplementation) have been used since the 1970s to treat painful joint osteoarthritis conditions. Knee osteoarthritis is a chronic condition that involves...

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How Much cardio Should I Do?

How Much cardio Should I Do?

How Much cardio Should I do? Regular aerobic exercise or activity like walking, jogging, rowing and cycling, can help you live both a longer and healthier life. Its benefits are many; it burns extra calories so can be really helpful for weight loss; it increases...

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How to keep your knees fit

How to keep your knees fit

How to keep your Knees fit Around 10,000,000 people in the UK suffer from joint pain, mainly in the knees, according to a leading charity Versus Arthritis. Even for those who remain pain-free, there will still be wear and tear to the joints as we age. Heading into our...

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Does Kinesiology tape really work?

Does Kinesiology tape really work?

Does Kinesiology (coloured Physio tape) really work? Nearly everyone will have seen this brightly coloured tape worn in sports, right up to the elite level, often in track-based sports. Used on calves, knees, shoulders, and pretty much everywhere else, you have to...

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The Best Single Exercise

The Best Single Exercise

The best single exercise In our personal training sessions, we often get asked this question, "what is the best single exercise I could do?". The answer to this question will vary greatly on the individual, their abilities, and where they are on their current fitness...

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Spinning terminology explained

Spinning terminology explained

More popular than ever, spinning or indoor cycling is. a great way to get and stay fit. It's only partial weight bearing, so there is less impact and potential damage to the joints than some other types of cardio. It also predominantly uses our largest muscle groups...

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The Importance of sleep – and the right amount

The Importance of sleep – and the right amount

The Importance of sleep Sleep is vital for health and wellbeing; it services all aspects of our body in one way or another, on a molecular level and right through to performance and mood. On the surface, it helps us think clearly, improves reflexes, and aids...

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Do Diet Drinks make you fat?

Do Diet Drinks make you fat?

Do diet drinks make you fat? This is a reoccurring question that we get from clients who have often heard conflicting views on the topic - can diet drinks cause weight gain or hinder efforts to get lighter? In particular, we get asked by those wanting to strip or...

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